Negative Ions Improve Health

Negative Ion also called anion, it is an atomic or molecular system with an excess of negative charge because of the gain of additional electrons.

The main advantages of negative ions for human body include cleansing of the blood, enhancement of the immune system, activation of cells, and adjustment of the autonomous nervous system. The interaction between negative ion and human body is part of science of electromedicine, or electromagnetic healing, or bioelectromagnetic healing.

The negative ion therapy includes negative ion clothings, negative ion bracelet, negative ion water, negative ion generators, negative ion air purifiers. It is great alternative medicine.

Negative Ion Clothing Can Supply Negative Ions To You 24/7

Negative Ion Fabric, the major fiber material of our health clothing products, has the unique capacity of always gaining electrons and thus negatively charged. The clothes made from the negative ion fiber will generate negative electrostatic charges, which is like an invisible protective layer covering the human body and protecting it all times, anywhere, and strengthening the immunity system of the body. Chlorine plays an important role in the reason that Negative Ion Fabric is able to generate negative electrostatic charges.

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